The beginning of snippets and stories leading up to our 35th birthday in December….
Bellingen Community Market 1980 to 2015 and beyond….
Traditionally, in isolated country areas, markets were held on a regular basis, allowing those from within the area and remote locations to meet in a central location to sell or barter their produce, display their crafts and wares, be entertained and generally socialise with friends and acquaintances not often seen.
In keeping with this tradition and moving with the times, the Bellingen Community Market is held on a monthly basis as much for its social and entertainment value as well as its commercial value to the town and shire.
Attracting stalls and visitors from across Australia to its picturesque surrounds in Bellingen Park, the market offers visitors and locals alike a cross cultural view of our community, lively entertainment, buskers, bargains, great food from across the globe and a wide diversity of stalls making it one of the most popular regional markets in Australia – Not just a market place but a great place to be.
Bellingen Community Markets
November 7, 2015 ·
ChangIng times and venues
Some time later, towards the end of the 1980s (after much water had passed under the bridge) another application was made to Council by the Community Centre to again hold a market in town. This time in a decision that nearly split the town, the application was approved and permission was granted for 3 markets to be held on a trial basis.
In December of 1980 the market was on the way and operating on the 3rd Saturday of each month from 12 noon onwards at the northern end of Church Street however, due to several problems the market was again moved as part of its trial status to Oak Street (in front of the Old Council Chambers), this also proving to be an unsatisfactory venue it returned to its original location in Church Street.
At this stage of the markets growth, the running, operating and management of the market had been transferred from the Community Centre to the newly formed Bellingen Shire Association. In the ensuing years several applications were made to Council to relocate the fledgling market to a more suitable location. Several alternative venues were investigated and it wasn’t until early in 1984 that the market moved down Church St to the western side of Bellingen Park.
With an initial slow settling in period during this time the markets soon found its roots and flourished during the 1985 Azalea Affair (remember that?) with an unprecedented 70 stalls in attendance. By 1987 the word had spread on the grapevine to surrounding areas that a new country market was on the circuit in a setting second to none on the north coast that provided stalls, entertainment and a fun day for the entire family in a unique country atmosphere.
The following year saw the number of stalls on the Church Street side of Bellingen Park increase to bursting point with over 100 stalls and record crowds attending the 1988 Christmas market.
Realising the growth, potential and benefits that could be generated and gained from having a larger market in town as part of the growing east coast circuit the market organisers submitted an application to local council and football club for the use of the eastern side of Bellingen Park to cope with the growing demand for stall sites. Permission was granted in 1989 to expand the market onto the eastern side of Bellingen Park up to the perimeters of the oval.
With this new expanse of ground mixed with the unique atmosphere in a vibrant and colourful community the market began realising its full potential and was becoming recognised as one of the major markets on the east coast circuit. In December of 1990 the Sydney Morning Herald reported that the Bellingen Markets were ranked in the top four markets in Australia … Not just a market place but a great place to be …
To be cont’d
Bellingen Community Markets
November 7, 2015 ·
In the beginning
The first Bellingen Market was held on Sunday 23rd October 1977 by the Bellingen Art and Craft in the grounds of their Hyde Street premises at the Bellingen Community Centre (the old school house which is now the Local Shire Council complex). The aim was to gauge interest and demand for local produce and handcrafts. The inaugural market was quite a success but was not without problems and conflicts.
An application was made to council for a second market in November 1977 but was not approved. In its place a Rainforest and Natural history information day was held. Further representation was made to council for a December market and again permission was refused as a result no markets were held in Bellingen for some time.
Around 1979 the President and Secretary of the Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre Mary Anderson and Roma Mulder got together with local resident Chris Elford and organised a second market as a fund raising venture for the centre that was held in the Bellingen Showgrounds. Owing to lack of support and further complications the market again vanished into obscurity.
….. To be continued …
Bellingen Community Markets
November 3, 2015 ·
The beginning of snippets and stories leading up to our 35th birthday in December….
Bellingen Community Market 1980 to 2015 and beyond….
Traditionally, in isolated country areas, markets were held on a regular basis, allowing those from within the area and remote locations to meet in a central location to sell or barter their produce, display their crafts and wares, be entertained and generally socialise with friends and acquaintances not often seen.
In keeping with this tradition and moving with the times, the Bellingen Community Market is held on a monthly basis as much for its social and entertainment value as well as its commercial value to the town and shire.
Attracting stalls and visitors from across Australia to its picturesque surrounds in Bellingen Park, the market offers visitors and locals alike a cross cultural view of our community, lively entertainment, buskers, bargains, great food from across the globe and a wide diversity of stalls making it one of the most popular regional markets in Australia – Not just a market place but a great place to be.
Bellingen Community Markets
November 8, 2015 ·
Community Donations
Proceeds from the monthly community market (after costs) are donated back into the local community via charities, community groups, schools and not for profit organisations with in excess of one hundred thousand dollars over the last 35 years.
Some of the groups over the years include: SES, Radio 2bbb-fm, Bellingen Life Education Centre, Bellingen/Dorrigo/Urunga public schools, Bellingen Hospital & Auxiliary, Bellingen Youth & Gymnastic club, W.I.R.E.S, Bellingen Football club, Dorrigo Community Herb Garden, Dorrigo Wastebusters, Bellingen Adult Education Centre, Bellingen Neighbourhood Centre, Bellingen Azalea Affair, Dorrigo Dramatic club, Sunset Therapy Unit, Bellorana Nursing Home, Dorrigo Community Day Care, Bellingen Environment Centre, Dawnsong Preschool, Bellingen Skillshare, Toxin Action Group (TAG) , Kids Off The Streets (KOTS), Bellingen Vacation Care, Bellingen Cubs & Scouts, Fernmount Fire Brigade, Urunga Play Centre, Bellingen Adults Day Care, Bellingen Folk club, Bellingen Jazz Festival, Bellingen Time Away Service, Bellingen Chamber of Commerce, Bellingen Red Cross, Dorrigo Hospital Auxiliary, Urunga Surf Club, Bellingen Pool, Children’s Special Support Group, North Beach Surf club to name but a few.
As you can see from the sample above the Bellingen Community Market is truly a community event and organisers would like to thank the many people that have helped over the years make it a truly wonderful event.
Community groups are welcome to write to the market committee requesting donations or to join the community group program.
To be cont’d
The Bellingen community market is run by the BSRA a not for profit group that donates proceeds after costs back into the local community. In excess of 100k has been donated over the past 35 years. Stay tuned over the coming months for the market story – not just a market place but a great place to be…