15 MARCH 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C
Market News

Please click on the relavant date to read stallholder market news:

Bello Markets Cancelled Saturday 20 November


As from Monday 11th October 2021 everyone needs to be double vaccinated to enter non-essential retail, and the BCM is considered non essential retail.

We are sorry to advise that after considering current health requirements and recent meetings with regulatory authorities (Council,  Police & Dept of Health), the BSRA governing authority of the BCM have concluded that we will not be in a position to fulfil and regulate current health requirements and  have decided to cancel the 20 November 2021 market.  

This has not been an easy decision and many people have worked hard behind the scenes to ensure the safety of our community.  

As of 1st December these rules will no longer apply and we look forward to returning to a full BCM.

We apologise for any inconvenience caused and hope that you understand. 

Stay safe and be kind to each other as our community needs more kindness.

To read more on gov. regulations click here

This means the Bello Growers Market will go ahead at the Bellingen Showground from 7.30am-12pm this Saturday. Click here for more info.

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