15 FEBRUARY 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C
Market News

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Bellingen Market weather update

YES we go ahead tomorrow !

Gosh this weather is enough to drive anyone crazy. 

I checked the park at lunchtime today and it is drying out nicely, thanks to little rain and even some sunshine. Lets hope it stays dry all night and morning and tomorow we will be smiling.

The weatherman says there’s a 60% chance of up to 3mm rain and the sun will shine too, so I believe all will be good and hope you do too.

Yes there may be areas we can’t use, so will block these off for safety. If your site is too wet, don’t worry we have some gravel and mulch to cover or we will find you a good position, so thanks heaps for your patience.

If you are in E and F sections, I would like to access the ground early in the morning before you set up to ensure its good enough for cars to drive over. Please…. please, when on east side, stick to the path and don’t go on the grass anywhere near the oval. Everyone is to park their car at front of stall to unload. If its too wet on east side, we will just move you, like we did last month.

There are also some sites in lower B that are quite wet but drying out as I type.

I highly recommend you bring a floor for your marquee tomorrow so you can stay dry and mud free. Foodies especially need a floor.

Now upon saying all that…… if you would prefer not to come tomorrow, please speak up now. We understand and you will not be charged a missed stall fee. BUT I need to know so please send an email or sms asap

M: 0400 261693

Thanks so much for your patience and cooperation. We all do our best organising and presenting our market and your support goes a long way 🙂 Have the best day !

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