21 May 2022 – Stallholder’s Newsletter
Welcome to our May 2022 Newsletter and Bellingen Community Markets update for Saturday 21 May.
Thanks to everyone who booked and sorry to those who didnt get in. Due to the wet grounds we’ve had to reduce the spaces on east side of park, so less sites available.
I’m sure you will agree, it has been crazy with all this rain, so much water, everywhere. Last month was chaotic on our east side, with several getting bogged. We managed to pull everyone out, the sunshine appeared and most had the best day. BUT we don’t want to do that again and I’m sure you would agree. Sorry to all who had to combat mud and mess.
I checked park today and the east side grounds are still soaked, so I’m in the process of contacting stallholders from E & F section to see if they wan’t to attend or cancel. If your from another section and want to cancel, now is the time to do it so I can reposition the stalls from E & F section, if they want to still come. Thanks for your support on this.
Please also ensure you read all our communication and follow instruction on the morning. PLEASE DON’T drive on the soggy grass. If unsure check it. Your section coordinator will let you know before you enter.
The BOM weather site is a good one to check out if unsure – click here. Unsurprisingly, it does say more rain is coming 🙁
Nevertheless, as an all weather market, if the grounds hold up (other than E & F sections) , we’re happening, but please come prepared for anything.
We stay eternally optimistic and look forward to a dry market day and better still a few good dry days beforehand. Because as we know, the weatherman doesnt always get it right.
Have a wonderful week and market day.
The cool bird above is created by Wendy Tanner who shares with Colin Dray in E section. Unfortunately they wont be at our market on Saturday, but will be at the show doing a demonstration.
If your a permanent, don’t forget to let me know if you can’t attend this Saturday. If your a casual and can’t attend please also advise. Best to do this now by emailing info@bellingenmarkets.com.au or smsing M: 0400 261693 Kaz.
All stallholders – I highly recommend you bring some kind of flooring (carpet, cardboard, tarp etc) for the bottom of your marquee, just in case it’s muddy.
Our entertainment & community group are…….
Burning Hands
Raised on Mississippi Moonshine and rattlesnake venom.
New Zealand born Guitarist and songwriter Kristan “ Burning Hands” Burnnand is the founder and producer of the group Burning Hands.
A graduate of the Wellington school of Music. Kristan has both worked as a music teacher and performer internationally for over 20 years.
In 2020 the Burning Hands quartet toured Europe.
A socially conscious blues and roots inspired musician partnered with raw driving distorted Harmonica by his musical partner Flamin lips Duff.
Burning hands has released two Studio albums : At the crossroads and Saints and sinners and a recent live release.
Known best for their live performances full of humour, high energy and virtuoso improvisation.
See and hear them on stage from 10am – 2.30pm
Bellingen High School P&C Is our community group for Markets
The Parent and Community (P&C) association at Bellingen High School is a collaborative volunteering effort between parents and staff who work to improve the experience of our students as they learn and grow into well-rounded citizens. The Bellingen P&C is an pro-active consultative group engaging with educational decisions in our school. Over the past few years, the P&C has worked on initiatives such as lighting for the musicals and takes on a strong role in fundraising for the school. We are proud to be associated with such a diverse school; Bellingen High is a regional leader in sport, music, agriculture and academic competitions such as the regional philosothon. As well as catering for the broad needs of its students, Bellingen High has also achieved the highest per captia HSC results in the Coffs Harbour area for the past two years.
Come and support the Bellingen High P&C on Saturday 21 May as parents, student leaders & students will be standing at the gates with donation buckets to raise funds. When you see them, please say hello and support them where you can.
Simone the Big Bubble lady returns to Bellingen Community Markets
Found on the west of footy oval, Simone has a great set up giving children amazing bubble wands to blow very big bubbles to their hearts content. They are amazing!
Bellingen Show is also on this Saturday, at the Showground. I’m hoping the two will compliment each other, especially now entry to the Show is free. Let’s encourage everyone to attend both, enjoying Bellingen’s beauty, good vibe, and bustling activity.
Look forward to seeing you soon, regards, Kaz