15 MARCH 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C
Market News

Please click on the relavant date to read stallholder market news:

Bellingen Community Markets December 2022 Newsletter

Welcome to Bellingen Community Markets

Not just a market place, but a great place, to be !

Hidey ho marketeers, I hope you had a fabulous month and ready for an awesome market day. With Christmas around the corner we look forward to collaborating, celebrating and sharing festive cheer with you and visitors. If your feeling inspired, we encourage you to dress for the occasion.

And the best Christmas dressed stall gets a free stall in January 2023 ! 🙂

We have a full market of diverse stalls and good people, along with scrumptious food, drinks and coffee. We hope you get a chance to have a wander, eat good food and listen to the very cool music by the Shufflemen, and do a great day’s trade.

This month we have the local Police joining us with their big van at Church St Gate. They will be giving out information, kids packs and hand outs for the community. They do a great job protecting our community so go and say hi when you can.

The Shufflemen

The Shufflemen are playing on the stage from 10am – 2.30pm. They are a fun, laid back three piece blues, rock and boogie band from the mid north coast. Lead singer and guitarist Tom Goodwin, plays with Gus on bass and Phil on jazzy drums. Together they combine the blues of David Gilmour with the soul of Santana and fire of Steve Jones on Strat and Dobro, with their own cool style.

Tom Goodwin (lead guitar and vocals) – Tom has been playing guitar and writing songs since the age of 14. Initially performing in bands located in the Nambucca Valley then moved to Sydney in the early 80’s where he continued his music passion in various bands. He then re-located back to the Mid North Coast area in the 90’s and has continued to develop his own interpretive guitar style.

Gus Schroder (bass and vocals) – Gus has recently re-located to Sawtell from Melbourne where he was heavily involved in the local music scene. He has played bass in many bands over the past years covering mainly blues and pub rock.

Phil Simon (drums and vocals) – Phil has been playing in the Bellingen area and surrounds for over thirty years. He is an experienced performer and has covered many genres including blues, R&B, Rock, Swing, Funk and Reggae. He is also a regular singer with the a cappella group “StellaBella.

Click here to listen to them

Check out their Facebook page

St Marys Primary School P&F

St Mary’s Primary School P&F exists to bridge the gap between the school and families attending St Marys.

One of their primary goals is to financially assist the school by purchasing learning readers, funding educational and fun events, upgrading supplies and equipment to enhance the learning and positive experience of our children’s education.

They will be at the gates welcoming all to our market while shaking the bucket for donations for their valuable youth activities. Please support them where you can.

Market procedure

Please read and follow the below:

  • We trust you have already read our “stallholder’s terms & conditions” so you know what’s expected?
  • You agreed to this when you booked, so it’s important you know and cooperate.
  • Listen to directives of our crew, be patient, friendly and respectful.
  • Arrive at the correct time at the right gate. Permanents at 6.30am and casuals at 6.45am.
  • Unless prior notice, anyone arriving after 7.30am may loose their position.
  • Remain quiet when lining up to consider sleeping residents.
  • When in the park, do not reverse and please drive one way.
  • Always drive at walking pace and NEVER drive on footy oval.
  • When entering, drive in and park close to your stall so other cars can pass.
  • Please then quickly unload and take your car out, before setting up
  • Park a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer. Parking can be hectic at our market.
  • Come back to set up your stall and get ready for a good day.
  • Cars must be out by 8am latest and no cars to stay in the park unless agreed with Manager.
  • Fees collected around 10am. Please have the correct change ready. Please don’t rely on sales to pay your fee.
  • We are a plastic free market, so don’t bring any products covered in plastic. All eating utensils must be biodegradable
  • We need you to help us reduce our rubbish intake by taking home ALL your rubbish.
  • This is especially important for food vendors who must take home all their own scraps, ideally composting them.
  • Smile for the camera. Photos are often taken and uploaded to Facebook after the market.
  • Gates open again at 2.30pm for cars to enter for pack down.
  • Report any incidents to your section coordinator or Manager.
  • Please be out of the park by 4pm latest.
  • Most importantly, have the best market day and thanks for your support and cooperation.

Many people have been ignoring our “no dogs” market policy over the last year, even with signs at entrances, and noted on our webpage and Facebook. A Facebook post with the above picture, reminding all we have a “no dog” policy, got a mighty big reaction, good and bad.

Nonetheless, we are a no dog market (decision made by the Bellingen Shire Residents Association – Committee of Bellingen Community Markets), and that means stallholders cannot bring their dogs either. It has been reported some stallholders are keeping their dogs behind their stall. If this is you, please don’t, and follow our market rules. If you come with your dog, you will be asked to leave.

We can’t have double standards where visitors can’t bring their dogs but stallholders can? My crew will be extra vigilant this market with Traffic Officers at the gates to ensure no one walks through with a dog.

With sheer determination, a kind word and a pro-active approach I’m sure we can get the “no dogs” message through to all, especially with your help. Thanks for your support.

Thanks for reading our newsletter to the end. It really helps everyone when you are well prepared.

Sorry if you didn’t get a stall at our market this Saturday. The last couple of months have been busy and popular. I suspect January will be the same. Please don’t give up trying, as one day you may just get in.

We’re always keen for feedback, good or bad. Please share your thoughts and ideas on how we can do better or simply let us know when we are doing good. 🙂 Shared communication and encouragement goes a long way!

Please LIKE and FOLLOW us on Facebook and Instagram to receive notifications.

You wont find Santa at our market this Saturday, because it’s just too darn hot, but you will find the spirit of Christmas; Love, Peace and Cheer everywhere. Have the best market day and a happy, healthy and harmonious Christmas and New Year.

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