15 MARCH 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C
Market News

Please click on the relavant date to read stallholder market news:

Bellingen Markets 18 February Newsletter

beautifully inspiring – creator unknown 🙂

Welcome to Bellingen Community Markets. Trust you are ready to have a fabulous market day this Saturday 18 February. It looks like its going to be hot so come prepared, especially with a good hat and lots of water.

We have lots of interesting, colourful, useful, creative and down right functional stalls at our market with good people at the helm welcoming all. It’s great to see so many impressive stalls with the “wow” factor. Quality products presented in a clever, creative and simple way. Not too much nor too little. Engaging with passing by potential customers is always beneficial, rather than sitting at the back of your stall, missing the action and customer potential 🙂 LIFE BE IN IT !

Did anyone see the wonderful article on page 30, Issue 124 February 2023 of the Coffs Coast Focus magazine about our Bello Pasta boys, Emanuele and Leonid? A big congratulations to both of them who have excelled with their delicious authentic Italian pasta. Click on the following link to read more  https://focusmag.com.au/

We look forward to a good market and thanks for your valuable participation and contribution.

In the meantime, have the best week and see you soon.

Keep smiling

Kaz Selbie

Bellingen Markets Manager

M: 0400 261693

E: info@bellingenmarkets.com.au


Playing on the main stage from 10am – 2.30pm

We have the local, rockin super cool grooves of Vallabama, a three piece band who plays classic covers with authenticity which includes a wide range of country, blues and rock tunes from a time when the music industry carried the dreams of collective change. Vallabama’s repertoire stretches in a direct line from Johnny Cash to Hank III. There is blues from The Stones, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, and rock from The Clash to Joe Cocker. Reggae and Rockabilly as well. Geoff Littlemore is on guitar, grits and gravel vocals, Ric Smith plays bass and orchestration and Brett Barber is the groove keeper, and falsetto.

Vallabama will have you smiling and dancing.

Great Koala National Park

The Great Koala National Park (GKNP) campaign is championed by the National Parks Association of NSW and managed locally by a campaign management team. The team includes representatives of the Bellingen Environment Centre, Nambucca Valley Conservation Association, Gumbaynggirr Nation and key sponsor Affirmations Publishing House, plus a number of skilled volunteers overseeing volunteer coordination, merchandise, lobbying, social media, networking and fundraising.

A dedicated band of volunteers regularly attend market stalls within the region, providing information and raising campaign funds through donations and merchandise sales. Many other conservation organisations and businesses assist and support the GKNP campaign including the NSW Nature Conservation Council, North Coast Environment Council, North East Forest Alliance, Bob Brown Foundation, Clarence Environment Centre, WWF, NPA Coffs Coast Branch, Arnhem Clothing, Wandering Folk, Kombu Wholefoods and Paul Hilton Photography.

Their campaign focuses on raising awareness of the need for a state government that will create the Great Koala National Park, the need for the whole proposed 175,000has of public native forest to be included in the GKNP and for an immediate moratorium on logging of native forests with proposed GKNP. https://www.koalapark.org.au/

They will be on the gates welcoming all to our market while asking for your support. Please give where you can for this valuable cause.

Market day procedure:

It’s vital you read our stallholder’s terms & conditions”  to know what’s expected. Anyone not following the rules will not be invited back, so thanks for carrying out the following:

  • Listen to directives of our crew, be patient, friendly and respectful.
  • Arrive at the correct time at the right gate.
  • Permanents enter at 6.30am.
  • Casuals enter at 6.45am.
  • Unless prior notice, anyone arriving after 7.30am may loose their position.
  • Remain quiet when lining up in morning to consider sleeping residents.
  • When in the park, do not reverse and please drive one way.
  • Always drive at walking pace and NEVER drive on football oval.
  • When entering, drive in and park close to your stall so other cars can pass.
  • Quickly unload and take your car out before returning to set up.
  • Park a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer.
  • Come back to set up your stall and be ready for a good day.
  • Cars must be out by 8am latest and no cars to stay in the park unless pre-arranged.
  • Fees are collected around 10am so please have the correct money ready. Don’t rely on sales to pay your fee.
  • We are a plastic free market, so no plastics of any kind.
  • All eating utensils must be biodegradable
  • We need to reduce our rubbish intake so ask you to take home ALL your rubbish. Do not leave at skips bins !
  • This is especially important for food vendors who must take home all their own scraps, ideally composting them.
  • Smile for the camera. Photos are often taken and uploaded to Facebook after the market.
  • Gates open again at 2.30pm for cars to enter for pack down. Please drive slowwww.
  • Report any incidents to your section coordinator or Manager.
  • Please be out of the park by 4pm latest.
  • Have the best market day and thanks for your support and cooperation.

Other information:

Our casual booking form has crashed so no one can book via our webpage at present. We ask you be patient and hopefully we have it up and running again soon. In the meantime casual stallholders can send us an email with their full name, location and what sell. It’s best to do so 2-4 weeks before each market (held on 3rd Saturday of month). Casuals also need to confirm their site by replying to the booking email.

Cancellations – if you need to cancel your booking please do so asap and definitely before the Sunday before the market so as not to incur a missed stall fee.

A big thank you

We wholeheartedly thank our friendly and cooperative stallholders. It means a lot to us that you know what your doing, do the right thing, have a good attitude and good time when attending our market. Your mood affects everyone around you, so please make it positive. Our diligent and friendly crew do their best to ensure all goes to plan in a safe and enjoyable manner but as you know, hiccups happen and this is when we appreciate your patience and flexibility. Disgruntled stallholders only makes things worse and negatively affects the good mood of everyone around them. So please, if you have a problem with anything, please don’t complain to others, talk to your section coordinator or Kaz or send an email to discuss and we will endeavour to make good. In the meantime, make the most of what you have.

It truly is a fun day at our market, celebrating with market family, meeting new people, eating good food, listening to cool music, taking in the good vibes and of course selling your wares. I trust you value your position with us and will always come with a positive and friendly manner, following the rules and be ready for a good day.

Creative corner

Council has been piloting a pop-up shop known as Creative Corner in the Visitor Information Centre on Giinagay Way, Urunga. They invite interest from local Bellingen Shire artists, creatives, producers and makers that might be interested in being part of the Creative Corner. If you would like to know more, please email MCompton@bellingen.nsw.gov.au or complete the following form: – https://www.bellingen.nsw.gov.au/Events-directory/Creative-Corner-Urunga.

Please also pass on to anyone in your networks you think may be interested. They encourage you, if you haven’t already, to pop down and take a look for yourself. There is an amazing array of local products, made by local Bellingen Shire people from Dorrigo to Urunga, and includes things like body soaps to organic tea, jewellery, arts, prints, clothing, hula hoops, ceramics, pasta, silks and more. Current operating hours are Tuesday to Saturday from 10am to 3pm.


The Bellingen Autumn Plant Fair is bloomin good

On Saturday 11 March from 8am – 2pm at Bellingen Park, plants and everything to do with plants become the focus of the day. With a large variety of plant stalls attending its a great opportunity to buy quality at a good price and plant up big this autumn. Presented by the Bellingen Environment Centre Inc (BEC), they are on a mission to get more plants in the ground. There will be lots of delicious food, drinks, coffee, live music by Thoughts & Prayers, a large plant raffle and the Growers Markets will be there with fresh produce and craft.

All profits go back into the event and fund the valuable environmental activities of the BEC. To find out more please go to their webpage. https://bellingenplantfair.org/

yum yum ! and they are healthy too !

Hope you can take advantage of the several fruit & vegetable stalls around our market.

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