15 FEBRUARY 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C
Market News

Please click on the relavant date to read stallholder market news:

Bellingen Community Markets 19 August 2023

Stallholder Newsletter

We’re looking forward to you joining us this Saturday. The park will be abuzz with activity, colour, good sounds and vibes.

If you haven’t already done so, please like and follow our Facebook page and like and share our posts. Help us spread the good word. Thanks for your wonderful support. Click here to go to our Facebook page

Please continue to read our newsletter so we’re all on the same page !

Have a great day.

Kaz Selbie

Bellingen Community Markets Manager

M: 0400 261693

E: info@bellingenmarkets.com.au



Kaya  will be playing his soulful rhythmic guitar grooves. Bringing his syncopated polyrhythmic melodies which sweep you away though multi dimensional layers and leave a peaceful harmony in your being.

You can also see him with local legend Matt Ledgar at the Brewery on Saturday.

Playing on the main stage from 10am – 2.30pm


Bellingen Bulldogs Junior AFL

Bellingen Junior AFL Club is a local, inclusive football club, run by enthusiastic volunteers. We love seeing local kids get out, be active and participate in the great game of AFL . We cater for both boys and girls from 5 – 17 years old. Housed at Burdett Park, our club has players from throughout our region including Bellingen, Dorrigo, Thora, Gennifer, Fernmount, Raleigh, Repton, Myleston, Urunga and Nambucca.

Thanks for supporting them with a donation as you enter the gates.

Market day procedure for all stallholders

Please read the below and thanks for your compliance, which helps to ensure a smooth and enjoyable day for all. Thanks.

  • Have you read our “stallholder’s terms & conditions” ? You did agree to this when you booked.
  • Please listen to directives of our crew – be patient, flexible, friendly and respectful.
  • Arrive at the correct time at the right gate.
  • Permanents enter at 6.30am and casuals at 6.45am.
  • Unless prior notice, anyone arriving after 7.30am may loose their position.
  • Remain quiet when lining up in morning to consider sleeping residents.
  • When in the park, do not reverse and please drive one way.
  • Always drive at walking pace and NEVER drive on football oval.
  • When entering, drive in and park close to your stall so other cars can pass.
  • Quickly unload and take your car out before returning to set up.
  • Please help us alleviate traffic congestion.
  • Park a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer.
  • Cars must be out of park by 8am and no cars to stay in the park unless agreed with Manager.
  • Fees are collected at 10am so please have the correct change ready. Don’t rely on sales to pay your fee.
  • We are a plastic free market, so no plastic products and nothing covered in plastic.
  • All eating utensils must be biodegradable
  • Help us reduce our rubbish intake by taking home ALL your rubbish.
  • This is especially important for food vendors who need to take home all their food scraps, ideally composting them.
  • Smile for the camera. Photos are often taken and uploaded to Facebook after the market.
  • Gates open again at 2.30pm for cars to enter for pack down. Again please drive at walking pace.
  • All casuals in E and F section, must line up on west side of Ford St at 2.30pm
  • Report any incidents to your section coordinator or Manager.
  • Please be out of the park by 4pm latest.
  • Have the best market day and thanks for your support and cooperation.
  • Attention all our food stallholders – there is a new council health inspector in town who is doing random inspections. I have been told he has his sights on our market, so I trust you are complying for health and regulation and will be a shining star when he comes visiting.

Casual stallholders please note:

Please fill out the booking form on our webpage every month to apply for our market. Yes this needs to be done every month to apply, ideally 2-4 weeks before each market (held on 3rd Saturday of month). When you fill out booking form you then get our monthly newsletter.

Please confirm your site and finalise the booking by replying to the booking email you receive.

To become a permanent we ask casuals attend regularly for 6-12 months and all going well, we will invite to be permanent.

All stallholders from E & F Section – In morning casual stallholders line up on east side of Ford St, and wind around to Mary St. Permanents line up on west side of Ford St in morning.

ALAS in the afternoon, both casuals and permanents line up on west side of Ford St, so you don’t cross a busy street at this time. Thanks for your assistance on this.

we love flowers of all kinds

We hope you had a good month doing what you love to do. We look forward to our market this Saturday and hope you are too.

Enjoy the rest of your week and look forward to seeing you Saturday.

Bellingen Markets is not just a marketplace, but a great place, to be !

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