15 FEBRUARY 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C
Market News

Please click on the relavant date to read stallholder market news:

Bellingen Community Markets 18 November 2023


Welcome to Bellingen Community Markets

Hope you’ve had a good month, and ready for market day. We have another big market on the way with lots of goodies and gems, scrumptious food, and drinks. There’s fabulous entertainment with Kaya Boom and Samba Soul and our community group is Bellingen High School P&C, who help et up and pack down and in between man the gates raising needed funds for their valuable cause, so please give where you can.

Once again I’m having market day off. This time I’m off to Melbourne. My youngest daughter is getting married. I will be keen to return 6 December. John and Cherie will be your go to people again but if you have any challenges or questions, first step is talk to your section coordinator who is more than capable and very helpful.

Please remember 2.30pm is the earliest you can bring your vehicle back into our park to pack up, (unless of course we advise otherwise due to extreme heat, storm etc) Please do not drive into the park before this time. You are welcome to walk your gear out before 2.30pm. This is a safety rule so thanks for your cooperation.

Thanks for reading and complying to our market rules and directives (see below). We like to keep communication clear, so we’re all on the same page, and everyone’s day flows safely, smoothly and enjoyably.

I look forward to returning bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to celebrate Christmas with you.

Have a fabulous market.

Kaz Selbie, Market Manager


Samba Soul

Bellingen’s very own Samba School will be playing at the Markets. Samba Soul will take to the stage for the afternoon bringing Brazilian Carnivale spectacular. Giant melodic bass drums and percussion. Kaya Boom feinting the troupe will also be bringing his drum students from South West Rocks to Sawtell for performances throughout the day. Before he hits the stage at the Brewery on Saturday night with local legend Matt Ledgar.

Playing on the main stage from 10am – 2.30pm


Bellingen High School P&C

Bellingen High School P&C

The Parent and Community (P&C) association at Bellingen High School is a collaborative volunteering effort between parents and staff who work to improve the experience of our students as they learn and grow into well-rounded citizens. The Bellingen P&C is an pro-active consultative group engaging with educational decisions in our school. Over the past few years, the P&C has worked on initiatives such as lighting for the musicals and takes on a strong role in fundraising for the school. We are proud to be associated with such a diverse school; Bellingen High is a regional leader in sport, music, agriculture and academic competitions such as the regional philosothon. As well as catering for the broad needs of its students, Bellingen High has also achieved the highest per captia HSC results in the Coffs Harbour area for the past two years.

Come and support the Bellingen High P&C on Saturday 18 November as parents, student leaders & students will be standing at the gates with donation buckets to raise funds. When you see them, say hello & support them where you can.

Thanks for supporting them with a donation as you enter the gates.

Market day procedures for all stallholders

Thank you for reading and following the below. Your support will ensure a smooth and enjoyable day for all. Thanks.

  • Have you read our “stallholder’s terms & conditions” ? You did agree to this when you booked.
  • Please listen to directives of our crew – be patient, flexible, friendly and respectful.
  • Arrive at the correct time at the right gate.
  • Permanents enter at 6.30am and casuals at 6.45am.
  • Unless prior notice, anyone arriving after 7.30am may loose their position.
  • Remain quiet when lining up in morning to consider sleeping residents.
  • When in the park, do not reverse and please drive one way.
  • Always drive at walking pace and NEVER drive on football oval.
  • When entering, drive in and park close to your stall so other cars can pass.
  • Quickly unload and take your car out before returning to set up.
  • The above helps alleviate traffic congestion.
  • Park a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer.
  • Cars must be out of park by 8am and no cars to stay in the park unless agreed with Manager.
  • Fees are collected at 10am so please have the correct change ready. Don’t rely on sales to pay your fee.
  • We are a plastic free market, so no plastic products and nothing covered in plastic.
  • All eating utensils must be biodegradable
  • All stallholders must take their rubbish home with them. Please don’t use out skips bins.
  • This is especially important for food vendors – take home all your food scraps, ideally composting them.
  • Smile for the camera. Photos are often taken and uploaded to Facebook after the market.
  • Gates open again at 2.30pm for cars to enter for pack down. Do not enter before this.
  • Again please drive at walking pace.
  • All stalls in E and F section must line up on west side of Ford St at 2.30pm, so you don’t cross a busy St.
  • Report any incidents to your section coordinator or Manager.
  • Please be out of the park by 4pm latest.
  • Have the best market day and thanks for your support and cooperation.

Casual stallholders fill out booking form every month to apply.

Best to book 2-4 weeks before each market, held every 3rd Saturday of the month.

Filling out the booking form every month allows you to also get our newsletter.

Please finalise your booking ASAP by replying to the booking email, confirming your attendance. We often have people on a waiting list, so please don’t leave to the last minute.

To become permanent casuals need to attend regularly for 6-12 months and all going well, will be invited to be permanent.

SPECIAL NOTE FOR E AND F SECTION STALLHOLDERS In morning casual stallholders line up on east side of Ford St, and wind around to Mary St and permanents line up on west side of Ford St. ALAS in the afternoon, both casuals and permanents line up on west side of Ford St, so you don’t cross a busy street at this time. Thanks for your assistance on this.

If you are an artist making your own creations, consider attending the Artisan Market on 9 December. It’s always a good day and popular with visitors. Go to their webpage to learn more.

A visitor to our market purchased the above cross necklace and sadly lost it. She would like to get another and is looking for the stallholder who sells them? Please make contact me with asap and I will pass her details on.

Christmas is just around the corner, so we want to do something different. I would love to hear your ideas? I’m especially looking for interesting and beneficial activities for kids.

OH AND…. The best dressed Christmas stall/stallholder gets a free site for the day.

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