15 MARCH 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C

What it means to be a casual stallholder

Bellingen Community Markets consists of permanent and casuals stalls.

We ask casual stallholders to attend regularly for 6 months before being invited to be permanent. 

In the meantime a casual stallholder BOOKS EVERY MONTH via the booking form here on this webpage.

Please book 3-4 weeks before each market, as sites fill quickly.

Priority is given to locals and out of town stallholders with a quality  products are welcome if there is room. We welcome second hand stalls but can only fit in so many. 

When we receive your booking, we will get back to you asap with a site number and further instructions.

Please reply to this email to confirm your booking and lock it in.

If you have booked and can no longer attend, please advise early so we can give the site to another.

Sometimes our email goes into your junk box so watch out for it after you apply and confirm promptly.

Before booking your stall it’s important to read our stallholder ‘Terms and Conditions’.

You will be guided further by this and be clear on your responsibilities while at or market.

Stallholder patience, flexibility, cooperation and positive attitude is always appreciated.



All stallholders must read and follow the below procedures. 

  • Firstly it’s vital you read and agree to our “stallholder’s terms & conditions”
  • Listen to directives of crew, be patient, flexible, friendly and respectful to all.
  • Arrive at the correct time at the right gate. This info was sent to casuals in email.
  • Permanent stallholders drive into the park at 6.30am (a handful come in earlier for various reasons, but this has been AOKed beforehand).
  • Casual stallholders drive into the park at 6.45am. This gives the permanents a chance to unload
  • Remain quiet when lining up in morning to consider sleeping residents.
  • Always drive at walking pace and never drive on footy oval.
  • Our crew will show casuals where to go.
  • Park in or very close to your site, so other cars can pass.
  • Quickly unload your gear, then take your car out before coming back to set up.
  • Unless pre-arranged, if not here by (7am-perms & 7.30am-casuals), your site may be given away
  • Please make the effort to park a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer.
  • Fees are collected at 10am so please have the correct cash ready and don’t rely on sales to pay.
  • We are a plastic free market. NO PLASTIC !
  • All eating utensils to be biodegradable.
  • Take your rubbish home with you. Don’t place in our bins or skips as we don’t have the capacity.
  • Food vendors to take home their food scraps for their compost or green bin.
  • Smile for the camera. Photos are taken and uploaded to Facebook after the market.
  • Report any incidents to your section coordinator or Manager.
  • Gates open again at 2pm to leave. Please pack up before getting your car.
  • If you leave car in the market all day its important you also wait until 2pm
  • If you want to leave early you need to walk your gear out.
  • We ask everyone to be out of the park by 3.30pm latest.
  • Sorry but no dogs allowed

Thanks for your understanding and cooperation with the above and if you follow, you will notice a positive difference.