Bellingen Community Markets Permanent Stallholders Form Contact and product details of permanent stallholders Full Name*Street Address*Town and Postcode*Landline Phone NumberMobile Phone NumberEmail Name of Business or Stall:What do you sell:*Please be specific and give as much detail. Is it handmade? Stall Number:*Stall SizeWebsiteVehicle Type & ColourVehicle RegistrationDrivers Licence NumberHow long have you been attending Bellingen Communtiy Markets?Are you insured?* YES NO Can we give your contact details to a 3rd party who wants to reach you?*Terms & Conditions* YES NO To be a permanent stallholder you must agree and follow our Stallholder Terms & Conditions, as can be found on our webpage. Have you read and do you agree with these?THANK YOUThanks for filling out our permanent stallholder form. Please feel free to leave any comments below. Please also subscribe to our webpage and Facebook to receive updates.