We have had a lot of people coming with their dogs to our market over last few months YET we are a NO DOG market and have ben for over 20 years. We endeavour to make this very clear with large signs at each gate, and notices on our webpage, Facebook , yet the message doesn’t seem to be getting through. We love dogs too but the rule is NO DOGS. The crew of Bello Markets have better things to do than to politely ask many with a dog to leave, many times getting an angry response. Our crew are doing a great job and don’t deserve angst from dog owners.
Bellingen Community Markets’ has a NO DOG rule which will remain.
It is just way to big (attracting thousands of people) to include dogs as well. There are many products low to the ground and much food around and we don’t need any little accidents, also not all dogs are friendly and and dog fights are not pretty.
Our priority is the safety and enjoyment of ALL visitors to our market and sadly, this means, for the devoted dog lovers out there, your dog must stay at home if you want to visit to Bellingen Markets.
We thank you whole heartedly for your future cooperation and support.