15 FEBRUARY 2025
Bellingen, AU 19 C


Welcome to our 19 October 2024 market, and a big thanks for joining us.  Hope you had a good month and ready for an awesome market day. 

Once again it looks and smells like rain, up until Wednesday at least, with Thursday onwards hopefully drying out. Do remain optimistic and plan for the best.  Alas, it’s always smart to be prepared for all weather, as things  change quickly.  

Georgia Cortes Rayner joins us on the main stage from 10am  and The Forest Ecology Alliance are our community group of the month, shaking the buckets at the gates, so please give generously where you can. 

Have  a fantastic market day!

Kaz Selbie

Bellingen Markets Manager

M: 0400 261693

E: info@bellingenmarkets.com.au

Picture above is “Woven at the Point”, a unique selection of handmade woven garments by the very talented Jenny Booth, found on Ford St side of market.



Georgia Cortes Rayner plays on the mainstage from 10am – 2.30pm

Georgia Cortes Rayner is a late blooming singer songwriter from Scotts Head.

Georgia’s distinctive smooth vocals, and heartfelt lyrics combine with her acoustic and electric guitar to create something that is a mix of folk, blues, country, rock and hip hop, with quirky observational social commentary. Throw in her take on her favourite covers and you’ve got a diverse cruisy musical experience.

Born in Brooklyn, New York, to Australian and Ecuadorian parents, raised in New Orleans, Brooklyn, Australia has been home since 1990, settling in Scotts Head in 2004. After careers in law, town planning and local government, Georgia took the plunge into being a fulltime singer songwriter at age 52. At age 55 Georgia released her first Album, The Past Is A Passenger’ to rave local and international reviews. At 58, she’s now writing songs for her second album, and gigging as much as possible.

Georgia will be on the main stage from 10am – 2.30pm

For more info go to:







Forest Ecology Alliance (FEA)

Forest Ecology Alliance (FEA) is a volunteer group of citizen scientists and community members who are focussed on forest appreciation and conservation.  They conduct surveys for threatened species in many of the 13 state forests being actively logged within the Great Koala National Park or those scheduled for logging within the next 18 months. Currently they  “Hold Space for Habitat” at Little Newry State Forest every weekday morning and set up a Forestry Embassy information stall at local markets or in main streets. Each Friday you are welcome to join FEA members at a Friday for Forests roadside gathering on the corner of Hyland Park Road Nambucca Heads at 8.30am.

For more information go to: https://www.facebook.com/forestecologyalliance/

FEA will be on the gates welcoming all to our market with a friendly smile.  There is no rule to donate as you enter the gates but if you can please do so and help this valuable cause. 



Please read and follow the below procedures. Your cooperation helps the day flow smoothly and enjoyably for all. 

  • Firstly it’s vital you read and agree to our “stallholder’s terms & conditions”
  • Listen to directives of crew, be patient, flexible, friendly and respectful to all.
  • Arrive at the correct time at the right gate.
  • Permanents enter at 6.30am.
  • Casuals enter at 6.45am.
  • Unless prior notice, anyone arriving after 7.30am may loose their position.
  • Remain quiet when lining up in morning to consider sleeping residents.
  • When in park drive at walking pace, do not reverse and drive one way.
  • Never drive on the football oval.
  • When entering, drive in and park close to your stall so other cars can pass.
  • Quickly unload and take your car out before returning to set up.
  • The above helps alleviate traffic congestion.
  • Park a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer. 
  • Cars must be out of the park by 8am and no cars stay in unless agreed by Manager.
  • Fees are collected at 10am so have the correct money ready and do not rely on sales to pay.
  • We are a plastic free market. NO PLASTIC !
  • All eating utensils must be biodegradable.
  • Please, pelase, please take your rubbish home with you. Don’t place in our red/yellow bins or skips as we  don’t have the capacity.
  • This is especially vital for food vendors who need to take home their food scraps.
  • Smile for the camera. Photos are taken and uploaded to Facebook after the market.
  • Gates open again at 2.30pm for cars to enter and pack down. Please do not enter before this.
  • Always drive at walking pace.
  • Report any incidents to your section coordinator or Manager.
  • Be out of the park by 4pm latest.
  • Sorry but no dogs allowed



1. The Office of Local Government (OLG) is leading the NSW Government’s Mutual Recognition Reform which aims to cut red tape and streamline processes for section 68 local approvals for certain mobile businesses.  At the moment a mobile business has to obtain approval from each council that administers an area it wishes to operate in.  This project aims to encourage councils to recognise each other’s approval thereby making it easier for mobile businesses to operate across local government areas.

The relevant mobile businesses being considered for mutual recognition approvals are:

  • food trucks
  • market stall holders
  • buskers and
  • outdoor fitness trainers.

OLG has a survey out for consultation and is inviting mobile business operators to provide feedback https://www.olg.nsw.gov.au/programs-and-initiatives/mutual-recognition/

Please complete the Survey. Submissions close at 5pm on 24 October, 2024. 

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Marisa on 02 4428 4100 or write to Vibrancy@olg.nsw.gov.au.

Department of Planning Housing and Infrastructure



2. The Mid North Coast Arts Guide

This online guide is packed with interesting activities and events over our coast. Click on following link to view



3. Looking for something different to do on market night?


4. Check out the Memorial Hall events coming up



5. Unite to save our native forests

Life rarely follows the straight path we imagine.
It’s filled with unexpected turns, highs and lows, moments of doubt, and moments of clarity. But it’s in these twists and turns we find growth. Each detour teaches us something we might never have learned on a straight line.
The ups fill us with joy and remind us of our strength,  while the downs, though challenging, shape our resilience  and deepen our wisdom.
The path may not always make sense as you walk it, but trust that every step, every curve, is leading you to where you’re meant to be.
 ❤ Rumi, Rivers in the Ocean ❤