Welcome one and all to our March 2022 Newsletter, in preparation for our fabulous market this Saturday.
Saldy we’ve had a run of adversity over the last 2 years with covid and now floods. Our hearts go out to those affected. We are so lucky to live in such caring and proactive communities.
With autumn in our midst it looks like we missed summer and it continues to rain. ALAS don’t let that put you off coming on Saturday, because as we have seen in the past, the weatherman doesnt always get it right and we often get a dry day, only raining just as we leave AND visitors are still keen to attend. As an all weather market we only cancel if grounds are unsafe, which is not the case this month, so please come prepared for all weather.
We no longer need our covid marshals so your fees have gone down. Thanks for your support over the last couple of years. I know everyone has been doing it tough.
We have several permanents away this month because they are trapped by flooding waters, or they are in Lismore helping the flood clean up or they are isolating because of covid. Hope all goes well for you and yours and we see you soon.
We’re looking forward to cooler, sunnier, healthier and happier days ahead with our regular monthly market celebration, especially this saturday with a good vibe of people and activity.
Thanks to everyone who is joining us and may you have the best day.
Kaz Selbie
Market Manager
PS: The beautiful coloured glass lanterns above are from the lovely Euni Drake in F section.
The Vallabama Slammers join us on the main stage from 10am
This fabulous three piece band bring people together to enjoy classic covers and great songs from the golden era of rock. Vallabama are the superstars of the party band format.
Playing with authenticity, they cover a wide range of country, blues and rock tunes from a time when the music industry carried the dreams of collective change. Vallabama’s repertoire stretches in a direct line from Johnny Cash to Hank III. There is blues from The Stones, and Stevie Ray Vaughan, and rock from The Clash to Joe Cocker. Reggae and Rockabilly as well.Geoff Littlemore plays guitar, grits and gravel vocals. Ric Smith is on bass and orchestration, Brett Barber is the groove keeper and falsetto. Together they are the VALLABAMA SLAMMERS
Bellingen River Agricultural Society – Bello Show
As our community group of the month they will be on the gates welcoming visitors and asking for donations so they can put on the BEST show ever. Please help them where you can.
For more information click here to go to their webpage or Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/TheBellingenShow
Recycling and composting
We’re excited to see Bellingen Council join us to help educate and motivate everyone on recycling and composting. They may even give us some ideas on how to better manage our waste. I believe they will be giving away small compost bins. You will find them near our hub.
To learn more please click here to go to their website
Community Groups @ Bello Markets
The Great Koala National Park join us again with an info stall, just before the bridge on east of tennis courts. The Bellingen and Nambucca Refugee Group are on the corner of D section. Lydia, a local Ukranian will be there raising money for the ‘Ukraine Crisis Appeal’ in B section and Simone with her bubbles is selling animals balloons with a % of profits going to flood victims. Bellingen Market loves supporting local community groups, helping them spread the word and raising needed funds for their valuable causes.
Beautiful bubbles and balloons
The lovely Simone with her big beautiful bubbles joins us again this Saturday. This time she is also bringing 2 pixies who make animals balloons, made from biodegradable latex (not plastic). % of profits will go to help flood victims. You will find Simone and her bubbles and balloons on the oval. Kids are encouraged to get involved.
The Saltwater Freshwater Festival
Lock it in your dairies, 28 May is the next Saltwater Freshwater Festival for 2022 at Unkya Reserve, Eungai Creek Rd, Eungai Creek. They are looking for hot food stalls and Aboriginal art and craft stalls. If you are interested and want to know more, click on the below link
Bello Markets Terms & Conditions
Have you read, understood and complied to the Bellingen Markets “Terms and Conditions” on our webpage? As a casual stallholder you ticked a box when booking to say you have read and agree. Its so important you read our emails and these conditions so you know what’s expected of you. This helps everyone’s day flow smoothly and be more enjoyable. When you receive your booking email from Kaz, please reply and confirm you are coming. thanks
The same goes for permanent stallholders who should know better. You also agreed to the terms and conditions so please familiarise yourselves with them again. Please try and give as much notice as possible when cancelling so we have ample time to refill your site with a casual.
When we are on the same page, we know what to expect and what’s expected of us, which allows us to do the right thing, and our day goes a whole stack smoother and enjoyable.
Thanks for your cooperation and if you are unsure about anything, just ask.
A/B section morning stall set up
Meet Jess, our charasmatic and diligent new A section Coordinator. Jess is a friendly soul and used to be a stallholder back in the day, so has a good understanding of what needs to be done. Do listen to his directive, while making him feel welcome and appreciated for the good job he is been doing.
Please be patient on Church St side, as we are working through a few traffic challenges, but it’s nothing we can’t sort out, with your help. We are working hard towards a positive solution when it comes to the traffic congestion in A and B areas of our market. We have invited some of our long standing permanent stalls to come in early (5.30-6am). If they miss this time they must line up with the casuals in Creek Lane, but hopefully they will be up front, because their time to arrive is 6.30am and casuals arrive at 6.45am. At 6.30am the coordinator will walk down the Creek Lane line of cars and pull out any permanent stalls to come in first. Please be patient with this directive. When all the permanents are in, which should be by 6.45am, then we bring in the casuals, a few at a time. Slowly but surely goes the way and your patience will brighten everyone’s day and be much appreciated.
When you drive into the park, we ask you to park close to your stall site and unload quickly, so other cars can pass. Before setting up, please take your car back out and park outside, preferably a couple of streets away so your customers can park closer. Come back to set up. This will also help alleviate congestion. Please do similar when packing up in afternoon. With your support we can make A/B section as smooth flowing as our other sections đŸ™‚
See you saturday with the sunshine !
Kaz Selbie – Bellingen Community Market Manager
E: info@bellingenmarkets.com.au
M: 0400 261693
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